Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seeing Things

This lack of sleep is starting to take it's toll.  I was re shelving books at the library today when I began to  I looked up and saw my ex-husband, standing at the end of the isle.  I began to feel very ill.  I closed my eyes a moment and when I opened them the world had stopped spinning and I was laying on the floor.  I've made an appointment with the doctor.  Maybe I need a different kind of sleeping pill, I'm sure I must have been hallucinating, because he hadn't aged a day.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Every night I stand in the doorway and listen to the crickets.  I feel there is something out there calling to me, promising to make me feel alive, and I want to go to it.  The Husband jokes I must have a demon lover out there.